probationgangsThe Probation Department hosted a summit for countywide strategic planning on gangs Tuesday at the Norton Regional Center in San Bernardino.

In 2013, the  Grand Jury looked at the existing Countywide Strategic Plan on Gangs. The inquiry resulted in an evaluation and update of this strategic plan. The plan is being spearheaded by the Probation Department and focuses on the necessary direction for addressing the problem of gang involvement in San Bernardino County.

The updated strategic plan will address community gang violence with the implementation of proven, research-based prevention, intervention and suppression methods. These methods will be delivered in the most cost-effective, tactically efficient manner possible, improving law enforcement’s response to community gang violence.

“Strategic planning is a problem solving approach that provides a framework for action while defining the roles of all participants involved in the process,” said Supervising Probation Officer Nathan Scarano.

Over 50 officials from 19 local law enforcement agencies attended the initial session to outline the implementation of the strategic plan.

Ultimately, the plan will improve law enforcement’s intelligence gathering, data collection, analysis of gang trends, communication between agencies, operational planning, prevention programs at the school level, and suppression of gang activity in local communities.

Chief Probation Officer Michelle Scray Brown addressed the law enforcement officials who were in attendance, remarking that, “Success in reducing gang violence takes a collaborative effort amongst all law and justice agencies countywide.”