The San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors recognized 45 County employees today during the Public Service Recognition Award for Excellence ceremony at the San Bernardino County Government Center. The annual event recognizes the everyday work of public servants. One employee from each County department is selected for an Award for Excellence, based on outstanding service to the county and its citizens.
The County’s honoree selection is based on specific criteria including customer service, initiative and leadership, accomplishments, and the commitment to the realization of our Countywide Vision. Following the awards presentation, honorees were recognized with a private reception in the government center rotunda, sponsored by the San Bernardino Public Employees Association.
This year marked the 25th year the County has participated in this national Public Service Recognition Week event. Public employees in the United States and around the world take part in the annual celebration honoring the men and women serving America as federal, state, and local government employees.
The following County employees are being recognized as part of Public Service Recognition Week:
Vikki Ostermann, County Administrative Office
Cameron Ward, Department of Aging and Adult Services
William Herr, Agriculture/Weights and Measures
Robert Cayce, Airports
Dolores Borbon DeMoore, Architecture & Engineering
Laura Ellers, Arrowhead Regional Medical Center
Maricella Acevedo, Assessor-Recorder-County Clerk
Yusuf Singleton, Auditor-Controller/Treasurer/Tax Collector
Michael Oliver, Department of Behavioral Health
Joy Chadwick, Board of Supervisors
Sandy Roberts, Department of Child Support Services
Staci Richards, Children and Family Services
Brandy Nelson, Children’s Network
Donna Young, Clerk of the Board
Linda Mawby, Community Development and Housing
Martha Forrester, County Counsel
Melissa Rodriguez, District Attorney
Heather Gauer-Baker, Economic Development Agency
Marissa Rivera, Economic Development Department
Don Halstead, Facilities Management
Arnold Rocha, Finance and Administration
Kellie Hoverman, Fire Department
Mary Alvarez, First 5
Hugo Canchola, Fleet Management
Debbie Montoya, Human Resources
Carla Towns, Human Services Administration
Tim Trager, Information Services
Chad Nottingham, Land Use Services
Liz Smith, Library
Susan Newcomb, Museum
Ana Perez, Preschool Services Department
Yvonne Vences, Probation Department
Brooke Satterfield, Public Defender
Dale Parker, Department of Public Health
Leah Boggs, Public Works
Etrich Williams, Purchasing
Jennifer Goodell, Real Estate Services
Paul Weixel, Regional Parks
Christina Anderson, Registrar of Voters
Lili Flores, Risk Management
Mike Jones, Sheriff/Coroner/Public Administrator
Dennis Fuerstenberg, Special Districts
Aron Martinez, Transitional Assistance Department
Dawn Ortiz, Veterans Affairs
Darren Cook, Workforce Development Department