Final Government Works Stamp

During the first quarter of 2013, the County’s Workforce Investment Board entered into an agreement with the County’s Housing Authority to provide employment and educational services to families eligible under the housing assistance program.

The program has served a total of 123 low-income residents who receive career counseling, employment services workshops, job referrals and job skills enhancement services. The overall program goals are to assist eligible individuals with finding and retaining work, improving skills, becoming self-sufficient, and contributing to the economic stability of San Bernardino County.

On June 12, 2014, the National Association of Counties recognized the Housing Authority and Workforce Investment Board partnership with an Achievement Award in the category of Employment and Training. The award was just one of 31 San Bernardino County received from NaCo this year for our innovative programs, surpassing its own record of 27 NaCo awards in 2011.

This is an example of how Government Works.