logosmallerWords cannot describe the sadness and horror the Board of Supervisors feels in the wake of this unimaginable tragedy.
The county’s role and focus at this point is providing support and safety to our employees, their loved ones, and our community. For that reason, the Board of Supervisors tonight took action to suspend all but only the most essential county services tomorrow, December 3, and Friday, December 4.
The Board will do everything within its power to assist, provide services, and comfort everyone affected by this traumatic event.
Law enforcement has the county’s full support in its effort to address this incident, find out what happened and why, and bring those responsible to justice.
I would like to thank Governor Brown for personally contacting me to offer his condolences and support during this difficult times. The county is thankful for the support our agencies have received from the state, the federal government, and our neighboring cities and counties.

42 thoughts on “A statement from Board Chairman James Ramos

  1. Thank you and the Board for being proactive and compassionate. As a county employee, I am satisfied with this statement.

  2. My deepest sympathies and prayers to all those affected by this senseless tragedy. Local government and service providers are truly the soul and strength of our communities here in California. This attack strikes at our communities’ heart. As a California resident, I feel blessed and so proud of the public safety and civil response you all have rallied. You are a class act that shows the way.

  3. Mr Ramos, as a county employee, I thank you and the rest of the board in your decision. Although I did not know anyone personally, they all are my fellow co-workers. I myself do feel a need to process all that has happened in the past 24 hours. Thank you for your support, it is appreciated.

        1. Good morning. “Essential” in this case refers to services that are vital to safety and survival, for example hospitals, law enforcement, firefighting, etc. Libraries are indeed essential, and all of them have returned to normal operations. Thank you.

  4. My prayers to all the families who lost love ones. May God be with the injured and traumatized ones from this tragic act in the name of JESUS. Amen

  5. I am devastated by the news of the shooting. I have been in contact with former EHS staff who are willing to help in whatever way we can. I worked for EHS for 25 years and the others are all long-time former employees. We are available to answer phone or help out in any other way. Most of us keep up our REHS registration through continuing education so we remain current on most laws and issues. Let me know what we can do.

  6. We are blessed to have strong county leadership. We are additionally blessed to have an amazing response from our PD and first responders. Our community has endured much and we continue to stand up, help our neighbors stand, brush off our knees and move foreward. These days I hope we spend more time on bended knees, we can sure use some more of God’s angels here today. AMEN

  7. Thank you for everything. I work around the corner from IRC at DAAS. My adrenaline is still pumping from yesterday! Horrific and extremely saddened!! Thank you, Bob Bennett, B4014.

  8. I just want to thank the law enforcement for everything they did for our community so many lives were lost my daughter was over there when everything started happening she’s safe I just want to let the law enforcement know that we appreciate them for putting their lfes on the line for others well for the community once again thank you

  9. My thoughts, prayers, and love to all my fellow San Bernardino County Employees and their families, and of course especially all those who were wounded or who lost family members yesterday. I am available any time to assist or support you..

  10. I am very thankful that the county decided to close all offices out of respect for our co-workers. thank you and may the Lord Bless this great county

  11. I would like to extend my condolences to our colleagues in San Bernadino. The victims, their families and co-workers are in my thoughts and prayers. I can not imagine the horror and loss you are all feeling.
    Melissa Hays, Plumas County Environmental Health

  12. My thoughts and prayers for everyone of my former DPH family affected by this tragedy. I cannot even imagine the amount of stress and heartbreak this has caused.
    It has been anazing to hear the amount of praise coming from media near and far regarding the Rapid Response Teams and the Emergency Training. You are doing it right SBC and people are impressed!

  13. My most sincere condolences to all county employees and service providers involved in this tragedy. As the director of a non-profit who works closely with many county agencies it hits even closer to home knowing that the victims were friends and co-workers. I thank the Board of Supervisors for all they do for our residents and for being proactive, compassionate and for being truly great leaders of our community. Sincerely, Robin Schlosser

  14. As a long term employee I mourn the loss of members of our county family. My deepest condolences to families friends and loved ones of all involved. Humbly grateful to our first responders. And very appreciative of those who are considered essential and went in to work today while feeling as overwhelmed as the rest of us.

  15. This is a personal statement, I’m only speaking for myself, and not on behalf of Los Angeles County or DHS.

    I am very touched and saddened by this tragedy. As a County health employee from your neighbor County next door, I’d like to send my sympathies and condolences to all your employees and wish they all recover from this. I was equally devastated by the Sandy Hook events during a previous Holiday season and hope that nobody ever has to experience this again.

  16. My thoughts are for those County employees who were lost.

    Patrick Petre
    CEO Anaheim Regional Medical Center

  17. We would like to express our deepest sympathy to our fellow Public Health colleagues from San Bernardino County. We can’t imagine the grief you all are experiencing. Please know that the entire State of Texas are praying for you all. (Hardin County Public Health).

  18. My deepest condolences to everyone effected by this horrible tragedy…..I have been vigilant in prayer and my spirit mourns for this great loss .. I am a Early Head Start Teacher for San Bernardino County and I know we work close with the Regional Center to assist our clients. Thank you again for showing compassion.

  19. Dear Public Health Colleagues
    As Medical Officer of Health for Niagara Region in Canada, I send the deepest sympathies to all those affected by this terrible tragedy. Local public health strives every day to protect the public. I am so sorry that there was no current protection from this senseless assault. The thoughts and prayers of the 600 men and women who work here are sent from hearts that know no borders.
    Valerie Jaeger

  20. San Bernardino County Employees,

    Please accept my sincere condolences for the horrible loss of your co-workers. I cannot imagine how sad and difficult this time is for you. I feel some connection to you, both as a 28-year public employee and having family from San Bernardino County.
    The devastation to your sense of safety and normalcy must be overwhelming. I hope you are amply supported by the county in recovering from this tragedy. I hope the pain and grief is bearable and subsides. I hope you take care of each other. I hope something positive comes of this in some way to each of you. My thoughts are with you.

  21. As the Site Manager of a Tribal TANF Program just around the corner from the IRC, I’d like to express my deepest condolences to the families directly affected by this tragedy. The action that we witnessed from our office windows was nerve-wracking; I can only imagine how those at the scene felt. A thousand ‘thank you’s’ to law enforcement and emergency responders for an amazing job done. My heart goes out to all involved!

  22. To the forces of destruction,

    You have had your day. You have struck down all those men and women—and somewhere in all that is a message, I suppose; or a demand that we fall at your knees, if not now, soon. Surely ‘the plan’ is to keep hitting us and harming us so that you win.
    Well, not today will your victory be. Never will your day come. We will prevail, not through grand acts of retaliation or Rambo-like gymnastics of violence; but because we are and remain one family. San Bernardino will honor its dead, its wounded and our population of the broken-hearted. We in our County (as will the wider community) go back to our places of work. We will simply continue to do our jobs and serve our public and hold our heads as high as we want. We are not a perfect people; but we have a depth of conviction you cannot guess at. We possess a species of courage not knowable or available to those who draw their strengths from evil; a quiet form that shakes off your actions in the irrelevant joke, then the touch of compassion, than the old-fashioned nose to the grindstone. In our tolerance of other beliefs, we will continue to perplex and confound you. This is our unreachable core and we will get through this day and the next, and the next, in silent steps of courage: ninja fortitude, stealth resolve, and something far for any ability of yours to warp or trample: Kindness, Dedication, Love.
    My County and all the other folks we call ‘ours’ will never become an icon for your cause. We long ago bootstrapped ourselves from a hard-scrabble hole on the map into an icon for Community and Service. We know what it takes to overcome the nastiness of outlaws within and without. You lose.

    Dale Mitchell, an employee of San Bernardino County.

  23. Praying for those who are hurting.
    Psalm 34:18 “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

  24. Mes pensées vont aux victimes et a leurs proches.L’horreur qui frappe San Bernardino et le même horreur qui a frapper Paris le 13 Novembre.Les terroristes ne gagneront pas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.Courage a vous tous

  25. May the victims rest in peace and the injured have a speedy recovery. May the Lord comfort the families and give us all strength.
    I love my County and I will continue to do my best as a County employee.

  26. May the victims rest in peace and the injured have a speedy recovery. May the Lord comfort the families and give us all strength.
    I love my County and I will continue to do my best as a County employee.

  27. Prayers and best wishes to my Environmental Health Family. In my 40-year career in EH I recall numerous tragedies and senseless killings…but nothing on this scale. Stay strong San Bernadino—Ben Gale, retired EH Director

  28. Good morning. All county offices are back to normal operations, except for Environmental Health Services, which will remain closed for at least one more week. Thank you.

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