County residents are encouraged to join more than 600,000 people who live and work in San Bernardino County by practicing how to Drop, Cover, and Hold On at 10:19 a.m. on Thursday, October 19 during the Great California ShakeOut Earthquake Drill. Register your family and friends here as ShakeOut participants.
What can you do to get ready for the ShakeOut?
Click here for a flyer to familiarize yourself with what to do when the shaking starts. This year, the Great California ShakeOut has modified the Drop, Cover and Hold On message to emphasize dropping where you are to your hands and knees to avoid being knocked down as you find cover and hold on.
If you, or a member of your household, are a person with a disability or have access or functional needs, click here for other tips and things to consider during an earthquake.
Watch this video to learn how to respond appropriately during an earthquake.
This video gives great advice to businesses and employers about how to prepare for an earthquake.
And San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Deputy Tracy Klinkhart has more earthquake safety tips in this video.
Share your ShakeOut day photos and videos using the hashtag #ShakeOut and #SBCounty we’ll share them on the County’s social media accounts.