Sunday marks the third anniversary of the December 2, 2015 attack in San Bernardino. On that horrific day, 14 people including 13 members of our County family were taken from us in an evil act of terror.
We will always remember the people we loved and cherished and we will continue to support those who are still healing from physical and emotional wounds.
The County Environmental Health Services family and the Board of Supervisors are asking all County employees, their families, and the public to join us wherever you may be for a moment of remembrance at 10:55 a.m. on Sunday, December 2.
At that time, the County will pay tribute to those who were taken from us and the survivors on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts. We have also arranged to have full-page memorial messages printed in the Sun, Daily Bulletin, Daily Facts and Daily Press newspapers and on their websites on Sunday.
If you fly an American flag at home, we ask that you lower your flag to half-staff on Sunday in honor of those who were taken from us on that tragic day three years ago. We have asked the same of everyone in our county community.
If you are experiencing trauma due to the events of December 2, 2015, resources are available to help you. Please click here for more information.
Please continue to support those who are still hurting and healing and continue to look out for each other.
Robert A. Lovingood
Chairman of the Board of Supervisors