It’s Nomination Time!

San Bernardino County Children’s Network invites you to nominate an individual or organization to be selected and recognized for their efforts in preventing child abuse.

  • Do you know an individual or organization that goes the extra mile for children while selflessly giving in order to make a difference?
  • Someone who goes above-and-beyond their regular duties to ensure children are safe?

Please take a moment to nominate an individual, agency or program for their outstanding efforts in assisting at-risk children and youth in San Bernardino County.

The nomination form can be found on the Children’s Network’s website,

The nomination deadline is 5 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 8

Thank you for helping us honor those who deserve special recognition. Honorees will be recognized at:

The 21st Annual Shine a Light on Child Abuse Awards Breakfast

Thursday, April 4

7:30 to 9 a.m.

National Orange Show, Valencia Room

690 S. Arrowhead Ave.

San Bernardino