The San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors recognized outstanding employees from 42 County departments and offices during a Public Service Recognition Week Award for Excellence ceremony May 16 at the San Bernardino County Government Center.
The annual event recognizes the work of public servants. Each County department and office selects one of its employees to be honored with an Award for Excellence based on outstanding service to the County and the community. Specific criteria include customer service, initiative and leadership, accomplishments, and work toward achievement of the Countywide Vision, https://cms.sbcounty.gov/cao-vision/Home.aspx.
“It is always an honor to recognize County employees who go above and beyond the call of duty to serve the public and make our community a great place to live and work,” said Board of Supervisors Chairman Curt Hagman. “Earlier this month, our County picked up 52 awards by the National Association of Counties for innovative and cost-savings programs. That’s a strong demonstration of the County’s commitment to exemplary public service.”
This year marked the 30th year the County has conducted this national Public Service Recognition Week event. Public employees in the United States and around the world take part in the annual celebration honoring the people who serve as federal, state, and local government employees.
The following County employees were recognized as part of Public Service Recognition Week:
Glenda Jackson, Aging and Adult Services/Office of the Public Guardian Daniel Bickel, Agriculture/Weight and Measures Henry Martinez, Airports
Justine Rodriguez, Arrowhead Regional Medical Center
Daniel Sanchez, Assessor-Recorder-County Clerk
Robert Gordon, Auditor-Controller/Treasurer/Tax Collector
Mary Gurrola, Behavioral Health
Stephny Montgomery, Board of Supervisors
Jo Cruz, Child Support Services
Cassandra McClenton, Children and Family Services
Hillary Steenson-Ray, Children’s Network
Andrew Simpson, Clerk of the Board
Monica Lopez, Community Development and Housing
Traci Homan, County Administrative Office
Jacklin Golden, County Counsel
Laura Robles, District Attorney
Matthew Mena, Economic Development
Robert Kittleman, County Fire District
Debora Dickerson-Sims, First 5
Stephanie Moore, Fleet Management
Megan Gardner, Human Resources
Shelia Jackson, Human Services Administration
Natalie Campos, Information Services
Amy Claborn, Land Use Services
Ina Feeney, Library
David Myers, Museum
Amy Edwards, Office of Homeless Services
Laura Marquez, Preschool Services
Trina West, Probation
Julie Ettari, Public Defender
Emerita Meily, Public Health
Brian Kloepfer, Public Works
Lisa Brazfield, Purchasing
Steven Clynch, Real Estate Services
Ryan Isom, Regional Parks
Brenda Garcia, Registrar of Voters
Rebecca Suarez, Risk Management
Christina Martin, Sheriff/Coroner/Public Administrator
Bill Mahaney, Special Districts
Stephanie Maldonado, Transitional Assistance
Darlene Lee, Veterans Affairs
Mariam Chalaby, Workforce Development