You may have noticed or will soon see U.S. Census employees in your neighborhood. It’s not 2020 yet, but in preparation for the 2020 U.S. Census, these locally hired workers are on foot throughout San Bernardino County and the nation checking addresses to help ensure next year’s decennial count is as accurate and as complete as possible.
Funding to support and improve our communities depends on a successful census, so please cooperate with anyone carrying a Census I.D. badge as they might have some very simple questions for you. For more information and a helpful video, please click here.
The San Bernardino County and Riverside County boards of supervisors have joined forces to create the Inland Empire Complete Count Committee, a leadership body that draws on representatives from the nonprofit, government, education, business and philanthropic sectors to focus energy and leverage various resources toward ensuring a complete and accurate count in our region. Why? Because, Together, We Count.