San Bernardino County today reported four news cases of novel coronavirus (COVID-19). The county now has a total of nine confirmed cases and no deaths attributable to the disease.

The county reported its first case on Sunday, March 15. Additional cases are expected to emerge as more test results are reported to the County.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom and the State Public Health Officer on Thursday issued a statewide stay-at-home order with exceptions for essential tasks and services. See details here:

“Complying with public health orders is essential to our continued health and safety,” said Acting County Health Officer Dr. Erin Gustafson. “These orders are not intended to spark panic, but rather reduce the spread of infection and minimize the number of people who get sick at any one time to keep our healthcare system functioning.”

“We must assume and behave as if the virus is everywhere,” Dr. Gustafson said.

On March 10, the County Public Health Officer and the Board of Supervisors declared a local health emergency to help ensure county government and the public would be prepared and allow flexibility in response.

Various county departments and agencies have been working together since Jan. 25 to prepare for the possible arrival of the virus within the county. The County Department of Public Health activated its Department Operations Center on Feb. 13.

As with any virus, especially during the cold and flu season, there are a number of steps you can take to protect your health and those around you:

  • People experiencing symptoms of contagious illness should seek medical guidance.
  • Persons aged 65 years and older and persons of any age with certain underlying health conditions are at increased risk should they contract COVID-19 and are encouraged to self-quarantine.
  • Wash hands with soap and warm water for 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth, especially with unwashed hands.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using regular household cleaning spray or wipes.
  • N95 masks are not recommended outside a healthcare setting. Surgical masks can be worn by sick individuals to reduce the likelihood of spreading germs to others.

For information about the coronavirus crisis, visit the County’s coronavirus website at, contact the coronavirus public information line from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday at (909) 387-3911, or email the County at

11 thoughts on “Four new cases of novel coronavirus recorded within county

  1. Where (what cities) are the people located?
    We have a huge county!
    Would be helpful to select markets to go to
    Thank you

  2. This County’s leadership is HORRIBLE! No transparency, no data on how many tests, no details re location within the largest County in the continental U.S., no details re circumstances, no honesty, no plan, NO CONFIDENCE!

    I tried to give the County the benefit of the doubt as long as I could. The excuse that you cannot release the information due to patient privacy is total BS. The city of residence and circumstances regarding an anonymous patient’s contagious disease is not a privacy issue: it’s a PUBLIC HEALTH issue! Other counties release the info, but not SB County… #cultureofcorruption #cultureofsecrecy #lackoftransparency

  3. Where do we go for testing? My husband is sick and his Dr. said he can’t send him anywhere to be tested yet. The Dr. said that the few he sent were turned away. We have a form from the Dr. stating that he should be tested. The Dr. told him that he very likely has Covid-19. We have 5 of us in the home.

  4. Why are you not disclosing the cities in which these cases are. It would be beneficial for all of us who reside in the county to know. Isn’t there something called public disclosure that should be followed by the Health Department. You need to be transparent for the citizens of this county.

  5. Almost no companies are closing for this. In Chino our retail business is still 100% operational as management deems us essential workers. Because there is no clear list of whom is essential you are allowing the rich to ride our corpses to the bank. We workers are afraid and do not want to work in this environment but because bosses are allowed to interpret the vague mandates as optional we are all at risk. If we refuse to work we are fired and have no option for EDD at that point. We need the state and county to clearly define who is required to work and who is not.

  6. Can we get an update on what cities within San Bernardino County these cases are?The media is releasing info everyday for LA and what cities have in cases.Yet San Bernardino never has any media info.

  7. Please give us the following info about the cases:
    * Gender
    * Age
    * How they contracted the virus: travel, person to person or community
    * Any underlying conditions
    * City, if possible

  8. With all due respect, where are the covid tests! How come our first responders not prepared? Why don’t they have the equipment to due their jobs??? Do something, I beg you before it is too late for all of us.

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