On Friday, Nov. 13, Jose “Pepe” Sanchez, the owner of the dog known as Sheba, released her to the renown and highly regarded Best Friends Animal Society sanctuary in Utah. On Saturday, Nov. 14, staff from Best Friends picked her up to transport her to the sanctuary, where it is expected Sheba will receive love and care for the remainder of her life.

Today, Nov. 16, the sanctuary stated, “We can confirm that Sheba has arrived at Best Friends sanctuary in Kanab, UT. She is being seen by our vets and staff and is in good spirits. We look forward to providing the best care we can for her.”

These developments are important steps toward resolving the litigation Sheba’s owner filed against the County.


9 thoughts on “Sheba released to animal sanctuary

  1. Well it took you long enough to do what is right. Now your problem is your city council and animal control. All must be investigated, charged for animal abuse, neglect and torture. For your employees to keep telling Shebas owner, we are going to kill your dog when he visited is beyond humane and outright cruel. Your City still has alot to do with your high kill for whatever reason so called shelter. Sheba lives today and not because of you.

  2. That is not enough information. Hoping you will provide alot more details and pictures of Sheba being released. Also why was Pepe not allowed to see her or spend time with her. If you think this is going satisfy all of us and stop all the calls, emails, letters etc., your in for a shock!!!

  3. This has been the worst that could be done to Sheba an her owner that dog should of been released months ago she was never evaluated by the staff at Devore but deemed a vicious dog we want updates an we want her owner to visit his dog this isn’t right

  4. Thank you for officially letting us know where Sheba is now. That is a great place. I request that you open an official investigation into the policies and practices of the San Bernardino county animal control department and specifically the Devore animal shelter. The board of supervisors were elected to oversee all departments of the county on behalf of the citizens of this county. Many of your constituents have voiced concern about the Devore Shelter for many years. You now have garnered attention from all over the world, and not in a good way. Let’s make some changes. Yes we can move to the state level for some changes in some of the laws, but how about making some changes at the county level in the meantime. I was sincere in my offer at the board meeting to help. That offer still stands.

    1. Well stated and true.
      The issues have been ongoing for years and ignored. Warren Eckstein “The Pet Show” on KRLA AM radio, has discussed and attempted to work towards changes to no avail. Hoping the time has come and the BOS or the people who have the power to make the much needed changes get the job done. Start with living up to the definition of shelter.

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