Supervisor Curt Hagman has been unanimously re-elected by his Board of Supervisors colleagues to serve a second two-year term as Board Chairman. The Board unanimously elected Supervisor Dawn Rowe to serve as Vice Chair. The appointments took effect immediately.

Citing Chairman Hagman’s able and accomplished leadership of the County during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Board on Tuesday, Jan. 5, also unanimously waived for the first time a 50-year-old County policy precluding chairs from serving two consecutive terms.
“Our Chairman has done an exemplary job during COVID,” Vice Chair Rowe said in proposing the policy waiver. “During a pandemic is not the time to change leadership.”
Rowe pointed to Chairman Hagman’s long-standing relationships with international business groups, which have resulted in the county being able to secure shipments of personal protective equipment and other supplies for the county, cities, and local businesses.

She also pointed to his development of the COVID-Compliant Business Partnership Program, which has provided cash grants to more than 5,000 county businesses, and the establishment of the Skilled Nursing Facility Task Force during his watch.
“The one thing you have to be very, very careful of when you’re in the middle of a crisis and you have a leader who is handling the situation and everything is well in hand is changing leadership unless you have a very good reason,” said First District Supervisor Paul Cook, a retired Marine Corps Colonel.
“Maintaining leadership will help keep our County on course as we continue working to protect public health and support our communities during the ongoing pandemic,” Second District Supervisor Janice Rutherford said. “Since she joined the Board in 2018, Supervisor Rowe has proven her mettle when it comes to dealing with the many challenges facing our County, and I have no doubt she will be an excellent Vice-Chair.”
“Chairman Hagman, during the short period of time I’ve gotten to know him on the Board, has done a great job,” said Fifth District Supervisor Joe Baca, Jr., who was elected in November and took office last month.
“I would like to thank my colleagues for their vote of confidence and we will keep working as a team with county employees and our residents to deal with what 2021 brings,” Chairman Hagman said. “Hopefully it’s not as eventful as 2020.”
The Board Chair presides over Board of Supervisors meetings, works with the County executive leadership to set the Board’s agenda, and acts as the Board’s executive agent and representative.