In June 2022, the San Bernardino County Public Works Department’s Solid Waste Management Division entered into agreements with Bio-Fuels San Bernardino Biogas, LLC that involve selling landfill gas from the Mid-Valley Sanitary Landfill and the Colton Sanitary Landfill.

At the Mid-Valley Landfill, the landfill gas will be processed and turned into Renewable Natural Gas (RNG). This RNG will be sold and delivered to the nearby SoCal Gas pipeline, which is a system for distributing natural gas. The gas will be processed to meet the standards set by SoCal Gas for accepting RNG into their pipeline.

At the Colton Landfill, the landfill gas will be used to generate electricity. This electricity will power a hydrogen generation plant that will convert natural gas from a nearby gas pipeline into hydrogen fuel. The Colton Landfill facility is still in the design phase.

Bio-Fuels San Bernardino Biogas, LLC will pay a minimum of $600,000 per year, and potentially up to an estimated $3 million per year, in lease and royalty payments for the rights to use the landfill gas and produce these different products.

The Mid-Valley Landfill facility is planned to be completed by September 2023, while the Colton Landfill facility is still in the design phase and construction is expected to begin in the next few years.

To learn more about the Solid Waste Management Division, visit

Additional County Update News – June 23, 2023