Tropical Storm Hilary has arrived in San Bernardino County, with the heaviest rains and wind expected to land between noon and 3 p.m. today and continue into the night. The County will soon declare a local state of emergency to clear a path for state and federal assistance if needed.
County Fire, the Sheriff’s Department, Public Works, and other agencies are in the field throughout the county bolstering storm defenses and serving residents. Countywide and localized phone and text alerts have been issued, and the County is keeping residents informed through our social media platforms, our Storm and Flood Information Website, and our 24-hour information line, 909-387-3911. For emergencies, call 911.
Residents are urged to heed evacuation orders, avoid unnecessary travel, sign up for emergency alerts, protect themselves and their property, check in on home-bound neighbors and loved ones, and stay informed.
For storm news and updates, see below and connect with San Bernardino County on Facebook, Instagram, X (Twitter), Tik Tok and YouTube.
Receive Alerts via Phone and Text
Sign up for the County’s Telephone Emergency Notification System (TENS) to have real-time updates and critical information sent directly to your phone.
Register here:
In an effort to quickly communicate information on impending dangers, the San Bernardino County Sheriff and Fire Departments send high-speed mass notifications via telephone and text messages. This system is known as the Telephone Emergency Notification System (TENS).
The County uses a database of landline telephone numbers, which is updated every six months, to send emergency messages to landline phones only. By signing up below, residents can also receive emergency text messages on their cell phones, add voice over internet phone numbers (V.O.I.P.), and manage their own account using a valid email address. Those without internet connections can sign up by calling (909) 356-3998, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Please ask for TENS registration support.
TENS alerts do not generally go out to the entire County but instead are targeted to affected areas. You must enter a valid San Bernardino County address. This is the address for which you will receive alerts.
Evacuation Order for High-Risk Communities
The San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department has issued an evacuation order for the communities of Oak Glen, Forest Falls, Mountain Home Village, Angelus Oaks, and northeast Yucaipa. These communities are at high risk for severe flooding and deadly debris flows. See the Evacuation Area Map to find out if you are subject to this order.
REV High School serving as evacuation center
Residents under an evacuation order may seek shelter and services at the American Red Cross evacuation center at Redlands East Valley High School, 31000 E Colton Ave, Redlands. Learn more at
Shelters have been established at two other Southern California locations:
- Norman P. Murray Center (24932 Veterans Way, Mission Viejo)
- El Centro Community Center (375 So. 1st Street, El Centro)
Uber is offering discounts those who need a ride to a shelter. See below.
Make sure your pets are safe
Attention communities of Oak Glen, Forest Falls, Mountain Home Village, Angelus Oaks, and northeast Yucaipa: Small animals and livestock will be accepted at the Devore Animal Shelter. If you require assistance with animal evacuations, San Bernardino Animal Care is here to provide help. Please call 1-800-472-5609.
Take the following steps to prepare for Tropical Storm Hilary:
- Secure loose outdoor furniture or move them indoors
- Move garbage cans indoors
- Maintain a two-week supply of food and water
- Sign up for the County’s TENS alerts
- Download the Ready SB County App on Google Play or the Apple App Store
- Pick up sandbags from County Fire
Stay tuned for more tips.
Consejos de Preparación Para Emergencias:
A medida que la Tormenta Tropical continúa afectando a nuestras comunidades, es importante mantenerse informado y preparado,
RegÃstrese en el Sistema de notificación de emergencia telefónica (TENS) del condado para recibir actualizaciones en tiempo real e información crÃtica directamente en su teléfono.
Turn Around. Don’t Drown.
Do not drive, bike or walk through flooded roadways. Water depth can be misleading and the road may be damaged under flood water. Also, do not allow children to play near storm drains or park your car near heavy streams of water.
Protect Your Property with Sand Bags
Sand and sandbags are available on a first-come, first-served basis at local County fire stations. Extremely high demand has been encountered. Restocking of bags is ongoing. Firefighters continue to respond to emergencies and may not be available on-site or via station phone. Residents are encouraged to pick up sandbags in advance of the storm, which may be available at your local home improvement store or County fire station. Visit for more information.
Prepare for Power Outages
#HurricaneHilary will impact many of our communities with unusually heavy wind and #rain. We encourage customers to prepare for potential emergency power #outages by following these #tips.
- Use a flashlight instead of candles during a power outage.
- Keep mobile devices fully charged at all times in case of an outage and have a portable power bank ready.
- Familiarize yourself with your home’s utility boxes and how to turn them off.
- Learn how to manually open your automatic garage doors and gates.
- Install surge protectors to help safeguard electronic equipment.
To view and report outages and to sign-up for alerts, go to Stay prepared. Stay safe.
El #HuracanHilary afectará a muchas de nuestras comunidades con #lluvias y vientos inusualmente intensos. Animamos a los usuarios a prepararse para posibles #apagones de emergencia siguiendo estos #consejos.
- Usa una linterna en vez de velas durante un apagón.
- Mantén los dispositivos móviles totalmente cargados en todo momento en caso de apagón y ten a mano un cargador de baterÃas portátil.
- FamiliarÃzate con las cajas de servicios públicos de tu hogar y cómo apagarlas.
- Aprende a abrir a mano las puertas y portones automáticos de tu garaje.
- Instala protectores contra sobretensión para proteger a tus equipos electrónicos.
Para ver y reportar apagones e inscribirte a las alertas, visita Prepárate. CuÃdate.