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San Bernardino County Weather Alert.

Following weeks of dry, windy weather, San Bernardino County is seeing some rain, with more expected tonight, Feb. 6, and tomorrow. 

The National Weather Service expects the rain to be relatively light and provide some much-needed hydration for dry vegetation. However, any amount of precipitation comes with the chance of trouble for motorists and property owners, especially those living downstream of the areas burned by September’s Line and Bridge wildfires.

San Bernardino County emergency responders are monitoring the rainfall and the effect it is having on our roads and scorched watersheds and are poised to take action if the need arises.

However, preparedness is a shared responsibility, and the strongest link in San Bernardino County’s disaster-ready chain are our tested and resilient residents and the measures they take to prepare for whatever nature throws at them and be self-sufficient until help can arrive.

That’s why San Bernardino County created Preparedness Starts Here, a campaign and website giving residents the tips and tools they need to prepare for and survive floods and mudslides, wildfires, earthquakes, extreme cold, extreme heat, power outages and more.

Residents are also urged to sign up for emergency phone and text alerts by visiting and download the Ready SB County preparedness app from the Apple or Google Play app stores.

Additional County Update News – Feb. 6, 2025