Final Government Works StampAn increase in business for freight trucking company Valley Bulk, Inc. has meant the need to recruit more drivers.

The 2008 recession hit the company hard – reducing the number of trucks in operation from 65 to just 40. However, with business booming again the firm has now returned to running a full capacity fleet.

In the last six months, Valley Bulk, Inc. has hired five new drivers through the San Bernardino County Workforce Investment Board’s On-the-Job Training program.

The program reimburses employers who hire workers with a skills gap, those who may not have the level of experience the company initially asks for – paying up to 50 percent of the new employee’s salary while they learn the new position.

“I wouldn’t normally take on drivers without experience but I found this program to be a win-win situation for both the employee and our company,” said Lloyd McCoy of Valley Bulk, Inc.

McCoy learned about the On-the-Job Training program from a newly qualified driver who came into their Victorville offices to apply for a job.

“I explained that employing a driver without experience would mean another driver having to spend several weeks with him to train him, which would be at a cost to the company.  However, when he told me he was eligible for the WIB program, and how it works, I was happy to give him a job.”

McCoy has since employed four more drivers through On-the-Job Training and believes the program is extremely beneficial to small companies like Valley Bulk, Inc.

“I feel it’s important to help newly qualified workers because it’s often difficult to get a job with no experience. Without the Workforce Investment Board I would not be able to offer this opportunity. I will continue to use the service as long as it’s available.”

Sandy Harmsen, Executive Director of the San Bernardino County Workforce Investment Board said, “Small companies like Valley Bulk, Inc. benefit immensely from the On-the-Job Training program which is why they use the service over and over again.”

Valley Bulk, Inc. now employs a total of 100 staff and delivers across California, Nevada, Arizona and Utah.

“The On-the-Job Training program provides opportunities for businesses to grow and for residents to learn new skills and earn a paycheck at the same time,” said James Ramos, Chair of San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors. “It’s yet another example of how the WIB is working to support businesses and job seekers.”

To learn more about how On-the-Job Training can help your business, please call (800) 451-JOBS or visit