An electronic newsletter which reaches 5,545 Human Services employees throughout the County was recognized with a Capella Award from the Public Relations Society of America’s Inland Empire chapter. The HS…

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An electronic newsletter which reaches 5,545 Human Services employees throughout the County was recognized with a Capella Award from the Public Relations Society of America’s Inland Empire chapter. The HS…
County programs aimed at reducing truancy, preventing the spread of West Nile Virus, providing preschool services to foster children, improving customer service and shortening the time to obtain search warrants were honored…
Rise and shine early Saturday, November 23rd and join Regional Parks at Cucamonga-Guasti in Ontario for “Sunrise Fishing”. For this one special day the park will extend their hours for…
Don’t forget Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors meeting at 10 a.m. inside the Covington Chambers at the County Government Center, 385 North Arrowhead Avenue in San Bernardino. The agenda provides more…
The annual regular filing period for assessment appeals ends December 2, 2013. For your convenience and to ensure timely, accurate processing of your application, file online! You will receive immediate…
San Bernardino County Animal Care and Control (ACC) will recognize U.S. veterans with free pet adoptions Nov. 9-17, 2013. Veterans can adopt dogs and cats from one of the County’s…
A seasonal flu shot is recommended every year for persons 6 months of age and older, to help protect you, your family, and the community from the flu. Avoid the…
The County Museum’s education division will host “Do Canids have Canines: Dog Day at the Museum” on Saturday, November 9. Activities, which will run from 10 a.m. to 4…
The 2013 Consolidated Election is being held on Tuesday, November 5. Approximately 500,000 voters in San Bernardino County are eligible to vote in this election, which includes the following areas:…
The San Bernardino County Department of Public Works has launched a website of various interactive maps for the public to view current information about where county roads, flood control and…