A record number of brothers and sisters were among nearly 100 children who celebrated their adoptions during the San Bernardino County Children and Family Services (CFS) Adoption Finalization event held Thursday at the Ontario Convention Center. The adoptions of the 22 sets of siblings marked the most sets of siblings adopted at the annual event.
This year’s theme “Viva Las Familias,” described what adoption is all about. Some of the families adopted between two and five children from the same family.
CFS Director Randall Schulz credits the many sibling adoptions to the department’s commitment to keep brothers and sisters together. CFS facilitates nearly 200 adoptions per year. This year, families came from throughout California and as far away as Oregon to finalize adoptions. All of the children at the event have been living with their caregivers, relatives or prospective adoptive parents for some time.
“We have many children, from toddlers to teenagers, in our care who aren’t able to safely return home,” said Randall L. Schulz, Director of CFS. “It’s very exciting know so many families in our community are willing to give their love to our kids by making them a part of their family through the life-long commitment of adoption.”
The families legally united in ceremonies performed by San Bernardino County judges: the Honorable Christopher B. Marshall, Juvenile Court Presiding Judge, who spoke at the event; Honorable Cheryl C. Kersey; Judge of the Superior Court, Honorable Lily L. Sinfield, Judge of the Superior Court and the Honorable Lynn M. Poncin, Judge of the Superior Court.
In addition to making their child(ren) legally part of their family, families enjoyed lunch, children’s activities and photo opportunities.
The event also featured the CFS Heart Gallery in conjunction with Heart Gallery of America, Inc. The Heart Gallery features photos of children with special needs who are in need of committed families that can meet their special needs and provide the security of a loving family. (For more information, please contact the Heart Gallery at (909) 891-3300 or by email at: HeartGallerySanBernardinoCounty@hss.sbcounty.gov).
Children and Family Services provides family-centered programs and services designed to ensure safety, permanence, and well-being for San Bernardino County’s children, while strengthening and attempting to preserve the family unit. Children and Family Services helps prevent further harm to children from intentional physical or mental injury, sexual abuse, exploitation, or neglect by a person responsible for a child’s health or welfare.
For more information about adoption or foster care, contact San Bernardino County Children and Family Services at 1-800-722-4477 or (909) 891-3300 or access our website at http://hss.co.san-bernardino.ca.us/dcs