Face coverings are no longer required – but still strongly recommended – in San Bernardino County as the result of new health order requested by the Board of Supervisors.

The new order repeals the April 23 omnibus health order that required face coverings as well as social distancing at essential businesses, and banned gatherings and short-term rentals.

Although no longer regulated by a county health order, gatherings and short-term rentals are still prohibited and social distancing at essential businesses are still required under the state’s “stay-at-home” order.

“The County strongly urges everyone to continue wearing face coverings in public to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus, and businesses may still require face coverings for customers and employees,” said Board of Supervisors Chairman Curt Hagman. “But repealing the local health orders and deferring to the less-restrictive state orders will allow the County to reopen businesses more quickly as the governor continues to relax standards.”

Many types of businesses were allowed to reopen today under certain conditions. The Board of Supervisors on Thursday adopted a Readiness and Reopening Plan and made plans to seek the governor’s consent to open many other types of businesses next week. The board plans to discuss additional details on Tuesday morning at 9 a.m. That meeting can be viewed on the CountyDirect Broadcast Network at http://www.sbcounty.gov/Main/Pages/ViewMeetings.aspx.

Information related to COVID-19 in San Bernardino County can be found at http://sbcovid19.com/.

Ahora las cubiertas de cara son opcionales, pero aún se recomiendan

Las cubiertas faciales ya no son requeridas, pero todavía se recomiendan con fuerza, en el condado de San Bernardino como resultado de una nueva orden de salud solicitada por la Junta de Supervisores.

La nueva orden (new order) deroga la orden de salud general del 23 de abril que requería coberturas faciales, así como distanciamiento social en negocios esenciales, y reuniones prohibidas y alquileres a corto plazo.

Aunque ya no están regulados por una orden de salud del condado, las reuniones y los alquileres a corto plazo siguen estando prohibidos y el distanciamiento social en los negocios esenciales todavía se requiere bajo la orden de “quedarse en casa” del estado.

El Condado urge enérgicamente a todos a seguir usando cubiertas faciales en público para frenar la propagación del virus COVID-19, y los negocios todavía pueden requerir coberturas faciales para clientes y empleados”, dijo el Presidente de la Junta de Supervisores, Curt Hagman. “Pero derogar las órdenes de salud locales y aplazar las órdenes estatales menos restrictivas permitirá al Condado reabrir los negocios más rápidamente a medida que el gobernador continúe relajando los estándares”.

Muchos tipos de negocios se han permitido reabrir hoy bajo ciertas condiciones.  La Junta de Supervisores adoptó el jueves un Plan de Preparación y Reapertura (Readiness and Reopening Plan) e hizo planes para buscar el consentimiento del gobernador para abrir muchos otros tipos de negocios la próxima semana. La junta tiene previsto discutir detalles adicionales el martes por la mañana a las 9 a.m. Esa reunión se puede ver en la difusión directa del condado en http://www.sbcounty.gov/Main/Pages/ViewMeetings.aspx.

Información relacionada con COVID-19 en el Condado de San Bernardino se puede encontrar en http://sbcovid19.com/.

102 thoughts on “Face coverings now optional, but still encouraged

  1. “Face coverings are no longer required – but still strongly recommended – in San Bernardino County”

    but also

    “The County strongly urges everyone to continue wearing face coverings in public to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus”

    If the County believes face coverings help slow the spread of COVID-19, why are face coverings no longer required? With stage 2 businesses being reopened, more people are mixing. Face covering usage doesn’t lower business income, but it does lower spread of this virus.

    Q1: why are face coverings now optional?
    Q2: who specifically decided this?

  2. No body will cover their faces now, they weren’t doing it when it was “mandatory” because you have said from the beginning that its use was not going to be enforced.
    You’re not protecting your citizens who are at higher risk. You’re sacrificing us all. Why? Why can you reopen the businesses you wish yo open so you can start cashing on those taxes while forcing people to protect themselves and others by using a mask and keeping social distance?
    The type of masks we can wear work only when sick people use them. If you don’t force everyone to use them, selfish and irresponsible people won’t use them and the virus will reach people who are at higher risk.
    I want to see your data!! How many people is in this category? We are a country with a high rate of obesity and asthma.
    Shame on you for leaving us at merced of these ignorants!

    1. higher risk citizens need to protect themselves and if anyone wants to wear a mask they surely can, almost everyone responding to this article is complaining so if they wear a mask that is at least half the county I think. the rest of them won’t wear it because they know they don’t work and that if someone is at risk they should stay home or find ways to manage. someone who is sick should stay home.

  3. Wow, talk about a confusing statement. Not required but strongly recommended?
    We really are going for round two!

  4. Why are you not allowing controlled gatherings for outdoor non contact activities and exercises with masks and social distancing? Number can be limited. I’ve made several requests for allowing Tai Chi and Yoga. Unless you formally allow this in writing, HOA communities won’t approve this.

  5. The San Bernardino County COVID 19 dashboard shows a steady increase in cases with a doubling time of 12.1 days (today, May 8, 2020). There has not been a two week decline in cases. I don’t understand why mask-wearing is no longer mandatory when the risk for exposure does not seem to be declining.

      1. It’s funny how your not replying to anyone upset about this ignorant decision SBC. Maybe we should let the local media hear and respond to your residence if you won’t!?

        1. Replying about a POOL??? WOW! Christie commented above and said it is “”FUNNY” how you are not replying to anyone upset about this ignorant decision.” I haven’t a beef with that but, I NEVER thought “funny” was a synonym for “pathetic.”Perhaps Christie is just being considerate, which is more than SBC is being. How about answering other insignificant things. Like: Who has the best sale price on Heinz Ketchup this week? I am willing to drive a maximum of 6 states away if the price is right. I will screen shoot this just in case it is delete. OH! I have an idea, don’t respond to my post but, how about responding to non-pool related posts from other tax paying citizens who have valid gripes and love their county and fellwo residents, sans the ones making decisions.

  6. It appears that Covid infections are either slightly rising or plateaued, but not yet declining. In view of that I don’t understand why you are rescinding the order requiring face masks to be worn in public. The virus doesn’t appear to be under control and as an at risk senior that concerns me.

  7. First you decide to ignore the guideline, a 14 day decline before opening and now, right at the very beginning of a reopening, you decide to make face masks optional? I am in complete shock. When looking at your graph, it shows me every age group is at risk to catch this virus and numbers are still increasing. That is a completely irresponsible decision to make. How do you plan to keep the citizens of our county safe from the asymptomatic people?
    Common sense should tell you that mask should continue to be required at a minimum of 3 more weeks to see if cases increase.

  8. With businesses opening up, masks need to be worn to protect the workers from people who may not be showing signs. Viral load could increase due to no mask. Masks need to be required for awhile.

  9. I guess I won’t be going shopping in the stores. This is really dumb. Aren’t people suppose to care about each other.

  10. I feel is not a wise decision to allow masks to be optional, wearing mask is to protect the other individual not ourselves and vice-versa by me wearing a mask I am protection you. Please enforce the mask policy, I have asthma and of course is difficult to breath but I rather have a hard time breathing momentary than later regreting it..please enforce it once again

  11. I think it’s a mistake to make face covering optional!!
    When recent study showed that it can slow things down

  12. Really, leave face coverage up to people. No right now we need to be safe, not sorry. If someone with a weaken immune system catches it then that would be horrible affect. Especially when it is someone you love… Also considering A-sytematic people that does not know they have it. Please be careful with other people’s lives. Thank you

  13. It is important to mention that social distancing is important. Some people will assume that because face coverings are no longer required in the county, that social distancing is also not required.

    One of the reasons why the number of Covid-19 cases did not spike in the county could have been a result of the face covering order. Why would the board lift this order this early in the month. It wouldn’t hurt to keep it in place until the end of the month. Ridiculous!!!

  14. Face coverings now optional, but still encouraged


    The whole point of requiring face coverings is to prevent particulates from becoming airborne when a person so much as speaks, all the more so if they cough or sneeze. Any cloth covering will accomplish this CRITICAL objective.

    The absence of this requirement will greatly increases the likelihood of the contamination of hard surface areas of contact. COMMUNITY SPREAD of this virus will most certainly increase in the absence of required face coverings.

    Also, removing the face covering requirement forces others to obtain more sophisticated PROTECTIVE face masks which are, of course, very hard to come by. This puts all of those in close proximity to people NOT wearing face covering at much greater risk unless they are wearing a PROTECTIVE face mask.

  15. I am dissapointed to hear that the SB BOS has repealed requiring face masks and making it a highly recommended practice. It am disapointed and will reflect my disagreement with you come your next election. Have you considered that face masks may be the key to helping reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus and helping to keep safe those most vulnerable. Not to mention the impact a possible “next wave” of infections that will impact hospitals and medical staff. What kind of evidence did the SB BOS use to repeal the order? All you’re doing is making us even more vulnerable to this virus, and not truly prioritizing human life. This decision demonstrates to me that the SB BOS is more interested in revenue vs. human life. Again, I am very disappointed. As a voter and constituent I am saddened that you are taking our county backwards and showing that you don’t care about human life.

    I request that you reconsider this at your next meeting and make it a requirement for masks to be used when in public/stores/work/county office/city offices,etc. It should be common practice and required until the COVID-19 has been eradicated or until the “curve” has dropped.

  16. Please consider letting smaller businesses reopen. I won a salon and we need to get back to work. Every day that passes is another day of uncertainty. We are worried for everything we’ve worked so hard for. Please. We are trained in sanitation and disinfecting. We are mandated by the state to keep our clients protected even before Covid hit. We need to find a way to be able to work. Please.

  17. This board of Supervisors will definitely NOT receive my vote next election!! YOU ABSOLUTE IDIOTS!! This virus spreads so easily and you feel that the few deaths or illnesses of others are worth others it?? It is to be hoped that you guys are the first to be exposed, due to your greed and idiocy. But life is not fair like that, it will be others that pay the price. Perhaps the families that loose loved ones will sue you because you caused this. You are causing deaths, you are going to be murdering people with this disease. it isn’t a choice to wear these masks.
    Have you not looked at the stats of what happened in Italy? Have you not read about the expectations of a 2nd wave? and that there will be a worse one coming in fall during flu season? Why are you not setting this up to simply keep us in prepared mode?

    Listening to your meeting is horrifying. You think that the small amount of deaths are worth opening the businesses. That is not the what the Constitution nor Declaration of Independence are about. We must protect Life.

    1. Well said, Kristen. It’s also shame that these post have received no official reply. Not a single supervisor should be re-elected if they cannot continue to stand by an effort that is so simple and has the potential of providing some protection while we move through such an uncertain time. The timing of lifting the restriction is completely illogical. Shame on San Bernardino County. Shame on those who made this decision.

  18. Face masks should still be required!!! People are walking around sick with no mask because they no longer have to wear one and “this is america, I do what I want” mentality! Disgusting! Poor judgment on San Bernardino County, thank you for not protecting us from these people.

  19. I say lets open a few of the business but please don’t take away the mask being mandatory. It makes no sense to allow others to possibly infect me while i am at work. Yes they are a little uncomfortable but getting COVID-19 is even more uncomfortable. I think you missed the mark on this one. Please re-consider making masks mandatory for a little while longer.

  20. I think that this is a huge mistake in not requiring face coverings. I work in San Bernardino County and yes, the numbers are low here, but that is precisely why we should still require face coverings. It’s all about preventative measures and if people are allowed to walk around without face masks which have been proven to curb the rate of this highly contagious virus, we are just opening ourselves up to danger. We still don’t have a vaccine yet, so it is beyond me why you would think it’s safe to not require face masks. If face coverings are optional, but you “strongly urge everyone to continue wearing face coverings in public to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus” does that not sound contradicting? I just think this is a huge, huge, huge lapse in judgment on your part.

  21. In response to your decisions made on May 8, 2020 regarding social distancing and face coverings, I submit the following comments.

    Since it appears that a significant portion of the observed population have no concept of (or blatantly disregard) 6 feet of social distance, it is imperative that face coverings be required in “essential” establishments (grocery stores, banks, post-offices, healthcare offices/facilities, etc.). “Strongly urges” does not carry much attention getting weight with the public, if they even see the directive.

    Face coverings in essential establishments is necessary to protect each person from each other individual who may not be practicing correct social distancing in other areas of their daily life. Whether this “life” is confined with loved ones at home or out and about in their jobs or activities; the discretion of the individual is often flawed.

    It is essential that ALL SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY MEDIA MESSAGES , convey this face mask requirement and it should not be left to the essential establishment to bear the brunt of the communication. All users of essential services MUST HAVE CONFIDENCE THAT THEY ARE “SAFE” when seeking these services, that are not optional.

    I appreciate this opportunity to comment and expect the above issue to be addressed in your public and private forums.


  22. Please explain the rationale for loosening restrictions when, from what I can see, we’re still not yet even peaked in cases or deaths. Please relate the evidence that suggests this is wise.

    Covidactnow still shows our R0 above 1. Is your data somehow different?

    This is absolutely outrageous unless you have the data to back up your actions.

  23. I believe it is important to open up. The economy itself needs it. The people need it. The media wants to propagate fear and indecision. But look around. The freeways are getting busy. To continue the restrictions is just going to make people ignore them, which is to say, they don’t believe/trust their government. No where is this more urgent than with religious services. How long do you think they will not practice their religion?

  24. This is the most ignorant thing I’ve heard of. You people are not thinking about our elderly. I cannot believe this.

      1. I am disappointed with this decision, to say the least. What was the point of all of this if you are going to put your residents at risk? Do we not mean anything to you? What about our elderly and the vulnerable? I’m sickened by this decision. I have parents that are at risk.

        I work at CSUSB and worry that if we are asked to go back to campus, masks will not be required. What was the point of sacrificing when things will only get worse?

  25. With your new ruling the masks are optional, you are making it impossible for us to shop.
    We are 77 & 79 years old. My husband has damaged lungs from a previous illness.
    I have been doing all shopping once a week’
    My store (Vons in Fontana at Cherry) had way too many people in the store on Friday, so I was not able to shop.
    Your new ruling now makes it impossible for people like me to shop.
    It is entirely irresponsible to remove mask requirement at this time. Open up stores and restaurants if you want, but require masks and distance requirements.
    Fontana is one of the hardest hit towns in the County.

  26. It is absolutely ridiculous not to require face masks for the next few weeks as we begin to reopen to see if there is a change in the spread of the virus. Otherwise, why did we begin wearing masks in the first place? It will all have been for nothing. There will be so many people who will choose not to wear a covering and put those who do at more risk. It is essential to go to the grocery store and pharmacy and people should be able to feel as safe as possible when doing so. If by the end of Phase 2 the spread has not increased, then masks can be removed. I hate wearing a mask, but will do it for the good of the those around me. I have first responders in my household and why should they have to be exposed more then necessary while doing their jobs? Why should any essential worker?

    1. Absolutely agree. Come on San Bernardino County. This was an incredibly poor decision that will cost lives. What is your rationale? Reply to your residents’ questions.

  27. Nothing justifies this recommendation, beyond optics. The quarantine/SIP period was supposed to buy you on the government side time to develop a comprehensive tracing-and-tracking program to replace wholesale, universal, indeterminate distancing. That didn’t happen, You are bowing to pressure that calls for stage-dressing, an abdication of your duties. We did our part; you sat on your hands, worried only about what the Chamber of Commerce thinks.

    Testing rate is abysmal. Even judging by your numbers, there is no decline. Shame on you.

  28. Horrible. It’s too early to ease face mask restrictions. You are condemning those of us with health issues to possible death. You all need to be unseated… or worse.

  29. I still think it is too soon. With the assistance of the stimulus packages, unemployment, and assistance to business i think a month longer would be safer to
    re open. Reopening to soon is not worth more lives lost.
    Also, are the all businesses especially were covid 19 has been exposed, will the building s themselves be sanitized as extra precaution?

    1. I’m not from S.B county but I recently visit the Walmart in Adelanto and nobody was wearing a mask, I really think it should be mandatory but I’ve heard people saying it’s only the elderly and people with underlying conditions that are dying from the virus as if they lives don’t matter…Everyday there’s more cases because some people refuse to practice social distancing because they believe Covid to be fake I prefer to be safe then sorry I know God didn’t give me the spirit of fear but he didn’t give me the spirit of stupidity either…So I’ll Continue to wear a MASK

  30. I would like to urge the county supervisors to consider opening up churches. Churches meet on a regular basis as a norm, and they should not be restricted for so long. We have a big church community in San Bernardino county, and the stay at home order has gone on way too long!

  31. Relaxing the guidance by making the wearing of masks optional will only give people a misconception that all is well, when in fact it is not. Not wearing a mask as people now go out and about will only speed up the exposure to others. One would expect to see a Greater infection rate and possible deaths. As a small business I’m grateful that I have the option to continue to ensure safety protocols within my business are continued as I have a responsibility to my staff and the customers I serve.

  32. I will continue to social distance, limit on premise shopping and dining to none, and i will wear my mask because it protects me and others.

    Loosening guidelines too soon puts not only our health but our economy at greater risk.

  33. if the number of cases county wide is still increasing, why is the county easing personal protection requirements.

    1. Because it is proven that the masks do not do anything to protect against this virus. It is merely a strong Common Cold

      1. Can you cite a medical expert to support your claim that “it is proven masks cannot do anything to protect against this virus”? Do you have any evidence based proof?

        Here are some articles in medical journal that demonstrate that masks do work. The first article, published this year, is specific to COVID-19

        Liu, X. and Zhang, S. (2020), COVID‐19: Face masks and human‐to‐human transmission. Influenza Other Respi Viruses. doi:10.1111/irv.12740

        Zhang L, Peng Z, Ou J, et al. Protection by Face Masks against Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 Virus on Trans-Pacific Passenger Aircraft, 2009. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 2013;19(9):1403-1410. doi:10.3201/eid1909.121765.

        Seale H, Dwyer DE, Cowling BJ, et al. A review of medical masks and respirators for use during an influenza pandemic. Influenza Other Respir Viruses. 2009; 3(5): 205‐ 206.

      2. Obviously he’s a “MAGA” not worth trying to change their mind and lack of common sense.

        1. I am a republican, I completely disagree with face mask being optional. I wear a mask, gloves, give others distance and you will not find me at a protest yelling for a hair cut. I listen to the health experts and use my common sense. It should not be this side or that side. It should be all if us taking care of each other.

  34. I would have to disagree with that statement. The face masks protect both individuals. In addition to the social distancing. Clearly there is a reason the order for the masks was put into place in the first place. This makes no sense, as all other counties are requiring face masks.

  35. I am encouraged to read the majority of my fellow local citizens strongly disagree with your highly questionable repeal of the face mask requirement. Not only does the data negate your decision, the timing, as businesses begin to open, is incomprehensible. Logic would dictate you would require all safety measures remain in place to protect your constituency and help encourage re-entry to retail establishments. With all of the difficulty retail is already facing, you have added another burden by replacing a health order with an anemic encouragement to wear a mask. Frankly, you have not only lost my confidence, you have lost my vote. Although, I do thank you for giving my sheltering at home new purpose. I will now begin to strategize and mobilize to ensure your seats are emptied, so true leaders can begin to prioritize the health and welfare of the county.

  36. Bad decision. Making masks optional will, quite literally, cost some people their lives. I understand the desire to open businesses again. That can be done while still requiring face masks. Moreover, if infection rates go up (and they will), you won’t know if is because more people are in stores or less people are wearing masks. Requiring a mask is an inconvenience, not a form of government oppression. Customers already have to wear shoes and a shirt when entering most stores. Why is a mask more onerous?

  37. They made this change because they are caving to the protestors, afraid they will lose their votes. They do not see us on a street corner waving our flags, yelling, and shaking our fist because we are being responsible citizens. I am happy to see I am not the only one who is beyond upset by this. They might not hear us now, but they will when it is time to vote! MAKE FACE MASK A REQUIREMENT!!

  38. Face masks have been empirically proven to work in reducing the spread of coronavirus. I’m not citing Karen on Facebook, I’m providing a scientific study.

    Liu, X. and Zhang, S. (2020), COVID‐19: Face masks and human‐to‐human transmission. Influenza Other Respi Viruses. doi:10.1111/irv.12740

    “Wearing face masks protects yourself and others. Use of face masks is therefore likely to play a vital role in mitigating disease spread.”

    Since face masks are effective, why is the county no longer requiring them? Wouldn’t it be better to err on the side of public safety?

    I realize Karen wants a latte, but why can’t she put a mask on when she enters a Starbucks and remove it when she leaves?

    1. Sorry but there’s a video circulating with Dr Fauci stating just a couple months ago that masks are not effective. Sick people should only be wearing masks not the healthy. This is a false sense of security. Stop drinking the Kool-Aid. Most people aren’t even wearing the masks correctly anyways. In Conservative states like Tennessee that I’ve just visited, most people aren’t wearing a mask as it is optional It was very refreshing to see people living there lives like a normal human being and not in fear. California needs to suck it up and move on with their lives. There will surely be more viruses to come.

    2. I an quite disappointed in the SB County Board of supervisors and our governor’s ruling to ease the wearing of masks. Mask protect all persons in an environment of social situations. I belive this is a mistake. Masks should be mandatory outside of home. The general public is unable to make informed decisions on their own. They need our government to protect all people in retail places like grocery stores where a mask is still required for employees. Please mandate customers to wear masks as well.

    3. I an quite disappointed in the SB County Board of supervisors and our governor’s ruling to ease the wearing of masks. Mask protect all persons in an environment of social situations. I believe this is a mistake. Masks should be mandatory outside of home. The general public is unable to make informed decisions on their own. They need our government to protect all people in retail places like grocery stores where a mask is still required for employees. Please mandate customers to wear masks as well.

  39. Thank you for this decision Riverside county! This is a free country and we should be given the freedom of choice to wear them or not. With that said, if a business requires me to wear a mask, then I will wear one If not, that’s okay too. Let’s conserve our freedom. We were not created to live in fear. We need to start taking gradual steps like these to open up this great country again. Let’s be wise and methodical about conserving not only our health but the economy and our freedom that this great country so gracefully allows us, thanks be to God!

    1. But what about requirements to wear a shirt or shoes. What about pants? Are you okay with those restriction put upon you? Do you wear a seatbelt in the car? I have been driving for 30 years and have never been in an accident, can I stop wearing my seatbelt? My dad was a sheriff deputy, he was never shot but wore a bullet proof vest every day? These are safety precautions. Do we always need to have them in place? No, but for the one time you do need something to protect you, it’s better to have it in place. I do appreciate that you would wear one if required, it may not only be yourself that you are protecting.

  40. This article says mask no longer requires but “strongly” recommended….. there must be a reason for the “strongly “recommended oh yes iits a virus known to kill … further more requirements for business are enforced … so can this county can not make up their mind ? One foot out the door one fit in … playing with peoples lives … no cure no vaccine …

  41. So the face mask mandate is repealed, but businesses can still refuse you entry without one? Is it a law, or NOT a law? If it’s not a law anymore then how can a business enforce it? That’s BS. So a business could just decide that you have to wear a tutu to enter? I know it’s not the same thing but what is the point of law here? I have severe claustrophobia and am unable to wear a mask for more than a few minutes without having a panic attack and problems breathing. When the mask order began, it was stated that there were “medical exceptions” to that- yet I have not been able to find a list of these exceptions anywhere. i live in a very small town which has one grocery store, and is semi-isolated. I do not have a car and have difficulty with our limited public transportation due to my claustrophobia, panic attacks, and motion sickness. I normally walk to my destinations, including the grocery store. For 55 days I have been unable to procure my own groceries. We have had only 4 cases and no deaths from this. The virus is obviously not here in our town. If masks are no longer required by law, then the market should not have the authority to subject us to that. Groceries are essential. This is BS.

    1. Stores are privately own. They can refuse service if they want too. If they don’t want to put there other customers and workers at risk that’s there right.

  42. San Bernardino County officials are really STUPID!!!!!!!! You are only asking for people to get in fights with the people who aren’t wearing face masks in addition to COVID outbreaks. GET A CLUE AND COMMON SENSE AND MAKE MASKS MANDATORY!!!!!

    1. Completely agree. We’d like a response from the County to the many posts here about the illogical action the County took rescinding the mask requirement. Do the right thing and provide a sound rationale or reinstate the requirement.

    2. I completely agree with you on that, yesterday I was at Sam’s club with husband and a couple behind us weren’t wearing none and not respecting the social distancing at all. I asked a couple of times for them to back away and what I get?? them laughing and rolling their eyes.

    3. I work in a feed store and i dont like that i have to worrie about my health because people dont want to wear a mask and think its all fake im tired of hearing that and if u make it so you have to then i dont have to feel scared to ask a customer to please put one on .come on city help us workers and community feel safe when we leave are homes .

      1. The County is absolutely wrong in making masks optional right now when COVID19 is still spreading. I was at the (larger) Country Market at Spring Valley Lake (Victorville) the other day (near the fueling station) and the food preparer was making sandwiches for the “deli” without wearing a mask. When I spoke to the lady at the front, she said since it was not required, none of her food preparers would be taking precautionary measures.

  43. Lifting the restriction sends the wrong message. Now about a quarter of the people I see in stores are not wearing masks. The county (which has been spared, so far) is just asking for the same troubles that have plagued other regions far less fortunate. Stop bowing to politics and do what is in the best interests of your citizens. The CDC has called on us to wear masks and social distance.


  44. It should also be noted that the Covid statistics include both both incarcerated inmate and nursing home populations-both of which have little to do with the rest of us. dh

  45. I’m Embarrass of San Bernardino so-called group Of officials. Even a two year old can figure out how unsafe making face mask not required Your just asking for trouble in this county. I’m sure I’m not alone when I say I don’t want to go out and see people not wearing a mask. It shows they are as ignorant as our officials and don’t care about others. Hope you all get a backbone because your just asking for trouble.

  46. I applaud San Bernardino County on rescinding the mandatory mask rule. Now we can use our judgement and intelligence to determine when a mask is appropriate. If the next person is 20 feet away, I will forgo the mask. If going to the grocery, where we sometimes can hardly help but pass someone in the aisle, then I think a mask is appropriate. Personally, I think these bandanas and T-shirts we’ve been wearing are no better than coughing in our sleeve, which we were always supposed to do, even before the pandemic.

    The paper referenced in one comment, Liu, X. and Zhang, S. COVID-19: Face Masks and Human-to-Human Transmission, is anecdotal and reports on a single event in which an infected man with no face covering rode on a crowded bus for over two hours, resulting in numerous persons on the bus becoming infected. It is by no means proof that having the general public wear masks at all times when outside of their home is necessary to stop the virus.

  47. And now because it is not required the number of cases went up, we had the highest number of cases yesterday. Smart move San Bernardino county. SMH

    1. While it is my opinion that making face masks OPTIONAL greatly increases the chances of community spread of this virus, the virus incubation period is 14 days. That is the whole point of REQUIRING masks in public. Infected people are going out in public for 14 days before the know they are sick. Wouldn’t it be nice if they were all WEARING MASKS?!! At least hard surface contamination would be reduced.

      By about the middle of June, we will see what impact relaxing the requirements for going out in public will have. It concerns me greatly. The people protesting say that stay at home orders, mask requirements, and other measures put in place to protect all people are too inconvenient and such measures should be discontinued. Let’s see how inconvenient they think it is to have the virus when they get it.

  48. Not required, optional but extremely encouraged means people will stop doing it because they will believe that it will be the responsibility of others. YOU NEED TO CHANGE THIS BACK AND REINFORCE THIS ORDER.

  49. To all concerned folks who seem to be frustrated with the SBC board: Frequent hand-washing, wearing a properly-fitted N95 mask, and wearing a face shield will protect you from a person who is not wearing their face mask in public and who is less than 6 feet away from you. If you want to wear PPE all day, every day – then you have the right to do this.
    If you own a business and want to require that people wear PPE and even jump suits while they are in your place of business, go ahead. It is your choice. Likewise, if you are a business-owner and do not want to require people to wear masks, that is your choice too.
    The county, city, and state are not responsible for your health. They are not responsible for keeping you from getting SARS-COV-2 or any other infection. That is not their role. You are an adult. You are responsible for your own health and that of your family.

    1. Actually, the only job of the government is public safety, even in the most libertarian worldview, the government is doing the right thing by protecting it’s people. If masks are scientifically proven to work, it’s just plain stupid to not require them in public.

  50. Obviously, SBC does NOT want to protect their citizens. How could you decide to make masks optional with all the asymptomatic people floating around without masks spreading their germs everywhere? Pretty stupid!!! In addition, it looks like new cases are rising each day. But you don’t care!!! I don’t feel even safe anymore going to the grocery store because all the irresponsible idiots don’t wear face masks and spread their germs/viruses. If you want to reopen up the county again, then make masks mandatory like in LA county. That’s the only way people will feel safe and stop the new COVID-19 cases each day. What good can come from not wearing masks in a pandemic?

    1. Dear Anonymous
      There are new cases because there is more testing. Plain and simple. Not irresponsible of SBCO to make masks voluntary but highly recommended. At what point do you say it’s OK not to make masks
      mandatory? When there are no new cases for one day? Two days? A month? Two months? Sorry, it’s time to get back to “normal”. And I applaud SBCO for opening up malls, stores and restaurants. Mental health also has to taken into account. SBCO economic health has to be part of the equation also. It’s time to move forward.

  51. The current supervisors up for reelection are: Robert Lovingood, Dawn Rowe, and Josie Gonzales. We currently have the lowest testing rate in the state, continuously rising infection and death numbers, and absolutely no plan for when to reinstitute lock down measures. This is clear irresponsible behavior from these supervisors who no longer deserve our votes. Remember who willingly put you and your families in mortal danger. Vote out anyone who puts profit above people.

  52. Face coverings now optional, but still encouraged


    The whole point of requiring face coverings is to prevent particulates from becoming airborne when a person so much as speaks, all the more so if they cough or sneeze. Any cloth covering will accomplish this CRITICAL objective.

    The absence of this requirement will greatly increases the likelihood of the contamination of hard surface areas of contact. COMMUNITY SPREAD of this virus will most certainly increase in the absence of required face coverings.

    Also, removing the face covering requirement forces others to obtain more sophisticated PROTECTIVE face masks which are, of course, very hard to come by. This puts all of those in close proximity to people NOT wearing face covering at much greater risk unless they are wearing a PROTECTIVE face mask.

  53. Severely disappointed with the County of San Bernardino caving to the minority of mask protestors. Masks protect the “other” people. I wear a mask to protect others and show respect. It makes me very uncomfortable to be around retail where certain individuals are not wearing masks. Even though some stores have signs up about wearing a mask they are not able to enforce it because of this county repeal of the protocol. Masks are not about freedom, no one is taking away the right to vote or press. Masks are a prevention method in a pandemic. If an individual has a medical condition preventing the wearing of a mask I can respect that, however, that is I would imagine a minority of people.

  54. How are we supposed to stay updated if the county makes face masks mandatory again? Tired of idiots coming into my place of work and making other customers uncomfortable or making a scene due to not wearing there mask. Nice, let’s put thousands of people at risk to appease a few idiots

  55. I don’t understand why I can be amongst strangers, but not my own family because not from same household.

  56. “Strongly recommend” is such a lame statement from the county. Do your jobs. Either mandate masks or say masks aren’t necessary. Wimps.

  57. We need the masks to protect compromised people. It’s to early to lift wearing face masks. Look how it spiraled in Florida, Texas , Louisiana, and Georgia. Please make it a requirement to wear masks. Ive lived in California most of my life I’m 63 with health conditions. I’m now thinking of moving out of state because of the high numbers of covid 19 we have here.

  58. I am 72 year old with pre existing health issues. Although I have had my full dose of vaccine for COVID, I am still careful. Irrespective of what the new mask requires are as of May 8th for the county of San Bernardino, I believe the laws should still apply for gyms because there is so much heavy in and out [far reaching] breathing and exertion of the lungs. 24 Hour Fitness where I train in Fontana are very relaxed with their own rules regarding mask wearing. In short, they don’t enforce their own policy to always wear masks on the workout floor. On one hand, its great that their is no mask requirement by law now, however, in this case, where people are in close proximity of one another and working out, the law should remain.

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