San Bernardino County has jobs that will open on Saturday, June 17.
We encourage you to apply and share these job openings with those who may be interested in them. Recruitments listed are subject to final department approval.
Check sbcounty.gov/jobs for the most up-to-date recruitments.
Additional County Update News – June 16, 2023
- Supervisors enact Laura’s Law to reduce crime and homelessness
- Crisis response team addressing homelessness and mental illness in San Bernardino
- Board approves balanced, visionary budget
- Rimforest Disaster Loan Outreach Center closing
- Open enrollment for Head Start programs
- Children and Family Services honors 125 foster youth at graduation ceremony
- Probation and ARMC participate in Special Olympics Torch Run
- Regional Parks announces exciting summertime events
- National Mosquito Control Awareness Week: Protect yourself and your community
- In observance of Juneteenth, all County offices will be closed
- Pet of the Week: Ruka