The Department of Behavioral Health (SBC-DBH), in collaboration with community partners and other county agencies, created the Innovative Remote Onsite Assistance Delivery (InnROADs) program to address the rising homeless population throughout the county.
The 2023 Point in Time Count indicates that the rate of homelessness has increased throughout our communities, specifically in the unsheltered category. As a result, InnROADs was developed to identify and test more effective means and methods of outreach, engagement and treatment for this population.
The focus of this innovative approach is an intensive, field-based engagement model that supports multidisciplinary/multiagency teams that meet, engage and provide treatment to youth, adults and families experiencing homelessness in an environment they are familiar with and feel the most comfortable in.
Addressing the issue of homelessness in the county has become a top priority for responders and consists of Regional Engagement and Rapid Response Teams who provide this population with treatment for mental health, substance use disorders and medical issues.
Since 2022, the InnROADs program has reached out to approximately 6,862 people, offering resources and services.
The project was developed through a county partnership with the County Sheriff Department, Department of Public Health and Department of Aging and Adult Services. For more information and referrals contact DBH Homeless and Supportive Services at (909) 387-7406 or visit www.sbcounty.gov/DBH.
Additional County Update News – August 18, 2023
- County warns residents to prepare for upcoming storm, free sandbags available
- Bloomington Recreation and Parks District breaks ground on Kessler Park Revitalization Project
- County rises to No. 7 spot in National Survey of Best Technology Practices
- Registration opens for County Fire Girls Empowerment Camp in September
- County offers free oil filter exchange, recycling event at O’Reilly Auto Parts in Colton
- County seeks community input for short-term rental study in unincorporated areas
- Land Use Services hosts open houses across the county
- Public Health hosts Community Baby Shower, Health Fair event, celebrating National Breastfeeding Month
- Victor Valley Museum hosts Cosmic Nights event with guests from NASA Goldstone Complex
- Pet of the Week: Gwen
- Jobs of the Week