San Bernardino County Animal Care is pleased to announce the relocation of its administrative office from 351 N. Mountain View Ave. to 658 E. Brier Drive in San Bernardino. The change in location is a positive development, and we are eager to continue serving the community and providing quality care for animals in need. The new office location will offer a fresh environment for our dedicated team of animal care professionals. The strategic location also ensures convenient access for visitors and partners, contributing to a seamless experience for all involved. We look forward to this new chapter in our journey and the opportunities it brings.

While the administrative office is changing locations, San Bernardino County Animal Care remains committed to providing exceptional service. We can still be reached at our current phone number (1-800-472-5609) for any inquiries or assistance needed.

“We are thrilled about this move and believe it will greatly benefit our operations and interactions with the community,” said Jennifer Osorio, assistant director of the San Bernardino County Department of Public Health. “This new space will allow us to continue our mission of promoting responsible pet ownership, ensuring the welfare of animals and fostering the human-animal bond in an even more efficient and effective manner.”

Our team looks forward to welcoming visitors to the new administrative office. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our community, partners and supporters for their continued trust and collaboration.

For more information about San Bernardino County Animal Care and our services, please visit our website at

Additional County Update News – October 6, 2023