On Tuesday, March 5, Children and Family Services (CFS), along with an array of valuable community partners, came together for the 2024 Statewide Collaborative Prevention Convening. The event was organized by the California Department of Social Services, Strategies Technical Assistance, County Welfare Directors Association of California, Chief Probation Officers of California Foundation and Child & Family Policy Institute of California.

The event spanned two days and aimed to facilitate the development of strategies by community support agencies to assist families in providing safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments for their youth. The goal is to reduce involvement in the child welfare system by equipping families with tools for success through the utilization of community agencies.

Day one took place virtually, with over 800 statewide community support participants in attendance. Day two employed a hybrid approach, including an in person meeting hosted by CFS. Members from the prevention planning team, First 5 San Bernardino, Justice Benefits, Inc., Department of Behavioral Health, San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools, Children’s Network and Probation Department attended. All attendees are dedicated to assisting families and supporting the county’s prevention plan. This collaboration helped guide each attendee on the development of engagement strategies to strengthen support for families and youth in San Bernardino County.

All communities within San Bernardino County have unique cultural and historical contexts that shape their beliefs and practices related to child welfare. CFS participated in this convening to gain insight into effective engagement practices, areas of opportunity and next steps.

Additional County Update News – March 21, 2024