A photo of the auditor-controller Vincent L. Roth who served from 1923 to 1946.

Auditor-Controller/Treasurer/Tax Collector Ensen Mason is pleased to present another fascinating story of the many great county residents that have served in his position since 1853.

Vincent L. Roth, an Ontario businessman and former service man, was nominated by the Board of Supervisors to the office of county auditor on January 8, 1923. Roth was selected because of his business experience and training as an auditor.

In addition to being a prominent figure in Ontario’s business community, he brought extensive experience to the position, and he was a World War veteran.

When Roth announced his candidacy for election to the office, he emphasized that the county auditor must be an expert in auditing and accounting.  Additionally, he must be familiar with many laws and court decisions affecting the work.  He believed he was the best candidate for the position. Roth held this post for a remarkable 23 years from 1923 to 1946.

Additional County Update News – June 20, 2024