Preparedness Starts Here keeps residents informed about what the county is doing to keep everyone safe while at the same time providing tools to prepare them and their loved ones.

“Our goal is to provide our residents with the information and inspiration they need to be prepared and keep themselves safe until help can arrive,” said Board of Supervisors Chairman and Third District Supervisor Dawn Rowe.

The program centers on a county website,, which is displayed prominently on the county’s main website,, and will remain there at all times, not just during emergencies.

The Preparedness Starts Here website is a hub for disaster resources from the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department, the San Bernardino County Fire Protection District, the Office of Emergency Services, Public Health and Public Works. It includes information and preparedness tools for each type of disaster as well as links to download the SBC Ready smartphone app, sign up for telephone emergency alerts, view weather warnings and obtain food assistance.

Websites created for and specific to each active emergency can be accessed through the Preparedness Starts Here website, providing up-to-date information on the incident, damage, road conditions and resources for victims.

County government, in partnership with other agencies, works hard to be prepared, provide emergency services, learn from the challenges that arise during each incident, and implement improvements in time for the next catastrophe. However, pulling through a disaster with minimal harm to life and property requires residents to be prepared as well.

Preparedness Starts Here links residents to:

  • The SB Ready smartphone app, which assists users in creating preparedness plans and provides checklists, news, alerts, and emergency phone numbers and locations.
  • The Telephone Emergency Notification System (TENS) notifies all residents in defined areas via voice and text to impending and active disasters and provides vital instructions. All landline phone numbers are loaded into the system, but residents who prefer receiving information on their mobile devices have to sign up.
  • The Sheriff’s Storm and Disaster Preparedness website includes information on various alert systems and preparedness guidance.
  • The San Bernardino County Office of Emergency Services website features links to emergency plans and answers to frequently asked questions about disaster preparedness and response.
  • And much more.

Join the county and our public safety partners in being ready to survive, recover and thrive.

Preparedness starts here!

Additional County Update News – September 13, 2024