As a part of their inaugural “Kid Safe Summer” campaign, First 5 San Bernardino (F5SB) partnered with the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department on Aug. 17 to promote the dangers of hot cars through a KABC 7 Los Angeles news segment.

Summer temperatures in San Bernardino County can burn, dehydrate and even be fatal.

Heatstroke deaths are the second leading cause of fatalities for children ages 14 and younger, behind only automobile collisions. F5SB’s sun safety messages urge parents and caregivers to “look before you lock” by always checking the back seat before you exit the vehicle.

“Back to school and extracurricular activities have resumed, which means more time on the road,” said First 5 San Bernardino Executive Director Karen Scott.

“With the upcoming heat wave, it’s the perfect time for a reminder about the dangers of hot cars and the effects it can have on our children.” 

The four-month bilingual Kid Safe Summer campaign, which supports F5SB’s child health strategic priority area, continues to promote summer safety among San Bernardino County families.

Sheriff’s Deputy Zachary Twardowski says temperatures in a hot car can rise in as little as 10 minutes without a parent realizing the danger. 

“Within minutes, a child left in a hot car could be suffering from heat exhaustion, dehydration or even experiencing a medical emergency,” Twardowski said. 

There are things parents and caregivers can do such as:

  • Place a stuffed animal or other visual reminder in the front seat.
  • Put your purse or cell phone in the back seat next to your child.
  • Ask your child’s daycare or school to call if your child does not arrive.
  • Never leave a child in a vehicle when running errands, not even for a minute.
  • Bystanders can also play an important role in saving a life – if you see a child alone in a vehicle, call 911 and get help immediately.

Hot temperatures and more time on-the-go present dangers for young children that aren’t as prevalent in other seasons. For more educational tools, tips and resources to keep little ones safe, visit First 5 San Bernardino’s website.

Additional County Update News – August 25, 2023