Photo courtesy of Dr. Martin Hauser, CDFA

Photo courtesy of Dr. Martin Hauser, CDFA

We need your help! A pest called the Oriental fruit fly has been found in parts of San Bernardino County. The Oriental fruit fly is an invasive pest that attacks over 230 types of fruits and vegetables, ultimately making the produce unfit for human consumption. Your property may be in an established quarantine area, where it is prohibited to move homegrown produce from the property where it’s grown. San Bernardino County residents are being asked to cooperate with agriculture officials who may be in your neighborhood and allow them access to your garden to place traps, inspect plants, conduct necessary treatments or remove potentially affected produce. Residents should inspect their gardens for signs of the Oriental fruit fly or maggots and report any findings to the California Department of Food and Agriculture at 1-800-491-1899 or visit To learn more about Oriental fruit fly quarantines visit

Additional County Update News – January 11, 2024