Join us for America Saves Week 2024 – Save for what matters most!

This week marks America Saves Week, and we invite you to join the county in taking a significant step towards financial confidence. It’s time to check in on your finances, set savings goals and commit to learning more about creating better financial habits.

We understand that saving money can be challenging, but we’re here to support you along the way. Visit to access a wealth of resources, including articles, videos and live webinars, all designed to help you feel more financially confident.

Prepare for the unexpected – Six steps to build your emergency fund

Did you know that more than 50 percent of individuals couldn’t cover a $1,000 emergency expense? That’s why this America Saves Week, we’re focusing on building financial confidence and control by emphasizing the importance of creating an emergency fund.

To get you started, here are six steps to help you build your emergency fund:

  • Set a goal of saving $1,000, then aim for three to six months of income.
  • Set up automatic deposits into your savings account to make saving easier.
  • Consider creating separate accounts for different savings goals, if possible.
  • Ensure easy access to your account in case of emergencies.
  • Review your health and home insurance coverage to make sure you’re adequately protected.
  • Start small and gradually increase your savings over time as your financial situation improves.

Take control of your financial future and start building your emergency fund today! America Saves Week is the perfect time to focus on your financial goals and take steps towards a more secure future. Join us in this important initiative and save for what matters most!

Additional County Update News – April 11, 2024