In an effort to connect the homeless community to stable housing and supportive services, the city of San Bernardino, in partnership with San Bernardino County, have conducted outreach events at Perris Hill Park in San Bernardino.
“We are proud to support the city’s efforts to help the unhoused community get back on their feet,” said the county’s Office of Homeless Services (OHS) Chief Marcus Dillard. “Everyone we encountered was open to accepting services. We hope this is the beginning of a process that will lead to permanent housing.”
Agencies that attended the first outreach event, which occurred on Monday, Sept. 16, included OHS, the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s H.O.P.E. team, the county’s Transitional Assistance (TAD), Aging and Adult Services-Public Guardian (DAAS-PG), Behavioral Health, and Probation departments, as well as Step Up on Second, Hope the Mission and Healthcare in Action. The participating agencies offered free housing solutions, healthcare services, substance use treatment, hygiene bags, food and more. These resources enabled the unhoused community to access vital services to enhance their health, safety and well-being.
Although homelessness can be caused by a variety of factors including sudden job loss, divorce or separation, substance use disorder, mental illness, domestic violence or a health condition that affects a person’s ability to work, among the top reasons are housing affordability and lack of income.
“The two biggest challenges facing the homeless community include lack of housing and limited income,” said Deputy Mike Jones of the H.O.P.E. team. “A lot of people collect social security income, but that no longer covers rent in California. Additionally, waiting for subsidized housing could take years.”
Despite these challenges, the first outreach event resulted in 12 individuals being placed in temporary housing, including Willie, Dawn, Jamar and Naja, a family who became homeless as a result of waiting for their Section 8 housing benefits to be transferred from Washington state to San Bernardino County.
“The city of San Bernardino is deeply committed to addressing homelessness by providing housing, resources, access to healthcare and mental health support,” said Ashley Esquivel, homeless solutions manager for the city. “We’re extremely grateful to have San Bernardino County as a partner to connect the unhoused to invaluable resources that will improve their lives.”
Most recently, the county partnered with the city for a second outreach event at Perris Hill Park on Tuesday, Oct. 22. Participating agencies included OHS, DAAS-PG, TAD, Behavioral Health, Probation and Hope the Mission. In addition, the San Bernardino City Unified School District provided case management services to youth experiencing homelessness, and The Way World Outreach offered transitional housing and support. Last week’s outreach event led to five families being placed in temporary housing, including a single mom of eight children.
Through collaborative efforts, city and county departments support the homeless by conducting surveys to determine individual needs. Following assessments, they offer case management services and work with individuals to develop a plan to become self-sufficient.
“Homelessness is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach,” said Dillard. “At some point, families and individuals at Perris Hill Park have been connected to resources, whether that be permanent housing solutions or mental health services. Now our focus is on helping these individuals take the next step and move into permanent housing.”
The city will continue to conduct daily outreach events at Perris Hill Park with assistance from the county on select dates. For more information about OHS and how it supports the county’s Homeless Strategic Action Plan, please visit https://homelesstohome.sbcounty.gov/.
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