The San Bernardino County Department of Aging and Adult Services-Public Guardian (DAAS-PG) will celebrate National Senior Nutrition Program Month in March with information about the county’s Older Adult Nutrition Program.
National Senior Nutrition Program Month creates an awareness of California’s Older Adult Nutrition Programs. The programs have been funded by the Older Americans Act since 1972 and administered in part by the Administration for Community Living, which provides grants to help support nutrition programs and services for older adults throughout the country.
The DAAS-PG Older Adult Nutrition Program includes the Congregate Nutrition Program and the Home-Delivered Nutrition Program. Both programs assist older adults in San Bernardino County to live independently, promoting better health through improved nutrition and reduced isolation through programs coordinated with nutrition-related supportive services.
In fiscal year 2022-23, a total of 7,520 individuals were served 245,528 balanced meals at 34 congregate meal sites, while 5,605 individuals received 703,749 balanced home-delivered meals in San Bernardino County. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the population of San Bernardino County in 2023 was 2,225,586, with over 417,600 adults aged 60 years or older.
Congregate and home-delivered meals are served throughout the county to individuals who meet the following qualifications:
Individuals eligible to receive meals at congregate nutrition sites are:
• Any older adult – age 60 or older.
• The spouse of any older adult.
• An individual with a disability, under age 60, who resides in housing facilities occupied primarily by older adults at which congregate nutrition services are provided.
• A disabled individual who resides at home with and accompanies an older adult who participates in the program.
Individuals eligible to receive home-delivered meals are:
• Any older adult who is 60 or older, frail and homebound because of illness, disability or isolation.
• A spouse of any older adult receiving home-delivered meals if an assessment concludes that it is in the best interest of the homebound older adult who participates in the program.
• An adult with a disability who resides at home with older adults if an assessment concludes that it is in the best interest of the homebound older adult who participates in the program.
For more information on California’s nutrition services, please click on the links below:
- The Older Adult Nutrition Programs
- CalFresh
- Great Plates
- California Association of Food Banks
- Commodity Supplemental Food Program
- Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program
- Child and Adults Care Food Program
For local information and assistance with meals and other services, please call the toll-free California Aging & Adult Information line at 1 (800) 510-2020 or click on the links below to find a congregate meal site and home-delivered provider in San Bernardino County.
Find a congregate meal site near you!
Find a home-delivered provider near you!
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