A young boy sprays himself with water drops from a water bottle he is holding with the sun overhead and a tree to the left and the blue sky.

This year’s hot-weather season in San Bernardino County began this week with temperatures soaring into the 90s in the valley and into the triple digits in the deserts. Residents are advised to keep themselves and their loved ones, including pets, safe from the heat. Visit the county Public Health Extreme Heat website for nearby Cool Places to Go, weather forecasts, and other health and safety information.

San Bernardino County Health Officer Dr. Michael Sequeira issued a heat advisory on Wednesday as extreme heat is expected to continue through the weekend.

“The summer heat can pose significant health risks, and it is crucial for individuals to be aware of these risks and take necessary precautions. Heat-related illnesses, such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke, can be life-threatening, especially for vulnerable populations,” Sequeira said. “By staying cool, staying hydrated, and staying informed, we can protect ourselves and our loved ones from the dangers of extreme heat. Summer heat awareness is not just about comfort; It is a matter of public health and safety.”

Heat is the number one weather-related killer in the United States. The National Weather Service heat index criteria helps the public prepare for hot weather and prevent the heat from becoming a “silent killer”.

Many sectors of the community are among the most at-risk during heat waves:

  • Seniors
  • Babies and young children
  • People with pre-existing or chronic conditions, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, mental illness, development disability, dementia, respiratory conditions, asthma, and obesity
  • The unsheltered
  • Outdoor workers and athletes
  • People without air conditioning
  • People living alone and socially isolated
  • People taking diuretics, such as caffeine and alcohol or illegal drugs
  • Pets

Mojave Desert Air Quality Management District warned desert residents that the current heat wave may lead to unhealthy air quality. The National Weather Service warns that temperatures could reach 115 degrees in Barstow and 120 degrees in Needles.

The Sheriff’s HOPE Team and other county and volunteer organizations that serve the homeless will check on the county’s unsheltered population to share heat safety information and resources.

The county’s network of 32 branch library locations will be available during regular business hours as cooling locations for residents needing a break from the heat. Other Cool Places to go can be found on the County Public Health Extreme Heat website.

Staff at the county’s Devore Animal Shelter will keep their furry guests cool with misters, ice and frozen treats. Residents can do their part by adopting a shelter pet.

Additional County Update News – June 6, 2024