Agriculture/Weights & Measures is collaborating with the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) and the public awareness initiative, California Citrus Threat, to raise awareness of the threats posed by citrus diseases, such as Huanglongbing and the Asian citrus psyllid. These diseases have been infecting citrus crops, including backyard fruits, in San Bernardino County.

San Bernardino County residents are highly encouraged to learn more about the guidelines before donating fresh homegrown produce by checking the agricultural quarantine areas first.

To check to see if you are within an agricultural quarantine to avoid the spread of dangerous pests and plant diseases, visit:

For more information or questions on San Bernardino County quarantines, visit, the CDFA Citrus Pest and Disease Division at or the California Citrus Threat at

Additional County Update News – April 18, 2024