The San Bernardino County Museum has added the Oro Grande Cemetery, the oldest cemetery in San Bernardino County, to its group of historic sites. Oro Grande Cemetery‘s first recorded burial occurred in 1852. The site has since been designated as a California Point of Historical Interest and features a memorial in honor of Lt. Manuel P. Rodriguez, whose Purple Heart is on display at the Victor Valley Museum.

The Oro Grande Cemetery is located at 1313 Olive Street in Oro Grande. Please call the San Bernardino County Museum at (909) 798-8608 for visitation information. For more information, visit

The San Bernardino County Museum’s exhibits of regional, cultural and natural history and the Museum’s other exciting events and programs reflect the effort by the Board of Supervisors to achieve the Countywide Vision by celebrating arts, culture and education in the county, creating quality of life for residents and visitors.

Additional County Update News – October 13, 2023