October is Head Start Awareness Month and San Bernardino County Preschool Services Department (PSD) invites you to get to know the Head Start program. Preschool Services administers the Head Start program countywide. PSD’s dedicated staff not only spark the love of learning for all children ages 0 to 5, but they also nurture the well-being of their families through the following services:

  • Health – All children receive health and development screenings, mental health support and nutritious meals, as well as medical and dental services.
  • Early learning – Head Start knows children’s readiness for school comes from learning experiences as well as their environments. These programs help kids form relationships with adults and other children, so they grow in many aspects of development.
  • Family well-being – Head Start programs strengthen and support children’s relationships with their parents and bring families together to impact their lives through the importance of education, financial security and housing stability.

For more information about Head Start services and how to apply, visit https://psd.sbcounty.gov/.

Additional County Update News – October 13, 2023