Effective Dec. 31, San Bernardino County’s Department of Behavioral Health expanded its mobile crisis services to 24/7/365. The mobile crisis response teams are available for individuals of all ages experiencing a psychiatric emergency and/or needing crisis intervention. Services are available in English and Spanish; individuals may call (800) 398-0018 or text (909) 420-0560 for support. Services include assessments and referrals to appropriate behavioral health care services.

Crisis Stabilization Units (CSU) and Crisis Walk-In Centers (CWIC) provide urgent psychiatric health services to individuals of all ages. Services are voluntary and may include crisis intervention and crisis risk assessments. For more information, please visit https://wp.sbcounty.gov/dbh/urgentcare/.

Treatment is also available for those with a substance use disorder and can be arranged in different modalities to fit almost any schedule. You or a family member/friend can call (800) 968-2636 to reach our Screening, Assessment, and Referral Center, 24 hours a day, for a free and confidential assessment. Counselors will work with you and your family member/friend to design a treatment plan that works with you.

Additional County Update News – January 18, 2024