American Rescue Plan Act Overview
On March 11, 2021, the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) was signed into federal law. Included in this $1.9 trillion stimulus bill was the $350 billion Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (CSLFRF) to assist state, local, and tribal governments with pandemic recovery efforts.
The purpose of this webpage is to provide the public with updates on San Bernardino County CSLFRF activities, including planned uses for these funds and periodic reporting.
2023 NACo Award Achievement
CATEGORY: County Administration and Management
YEAR: 2023
San Bernardino County, California (County) established an American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Administrative Team (Team) for the purpose of administering the County’s $423.5 million federal ARPA State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (CSLFRF) allocation. The ARPA Team consists of staff from multiple disciplines that include finance, data analysis, and communications, thereby providing a holistic approach to the County’s Coronavirus pandemic recovery efforts. The ARPA Team is assigned the County Administrative Office and reports directly to the Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer for the County. The ARPA Team is tasked with identifying CSLFRF investment opportunities, project tracking, budget management, and ensuring compliance with United States Department of Treasury (U.S. Treasury) guidance and reporting requirements. These responsibilities resulted in the development of several practices and procedures that weren’t previously employed by the County. Currently, the ARPA Team is responsible for overseeing a project portfolio in excess of $340 million, a figure that will increase to the full allocation amount in the coming months as additional ARPA-eligible projects are identified and scoped. To date, the County has not been subject to any significant audit findings.
Frequently Asked Questions
Treasury and Federal Resources
County departments, special districts, and their subrecipients are responsible for reviewing, understanding, and staying up to date on all federal guidance and requirements which apply to their ARPA subawards. The U.S. Treasury Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (CSLFRF) website (Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds | U.S. Department of the Treasury contains several helpful documents, including the following:
This guidance provides additional detail and clarification for each recipient’s compliance and reporting responsibilities under the ARPA CSLFRF program, and should be read in concert with the Award Terms and Conditions, the authorizing statute, the ARPA CSLFRF implementing regulation, and other regulatory and statutory requirements, including regulatory requirements under the Uniform Guidance (2 CRF Part 200). Please see the Assistance Listing in under assistance listing number (formerly known as CFDA number), 21.027 for more information.
This document contains answers to frequently asked questions regarding the ARPA CSLFRF. Treasury will be updating this document periodically in response to questions received from stakeholders.
This project is being supported, in whole or in part, by federal award number SLFRP0154 awarded to San Bernardino County by the United States Department of Treasury.